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Administrative Requirements

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:5 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the ability to apply Cal/OSHA safety standards for the construction industry and reduce 'near misses'.

Description: This Navitent will increase the successfulness of applying OSHA's safety standards. It is designed to reduce the frequency of near misses re ... Read More


Step 1

As a worker in the construction industry, you should have some understanding of the Cal/OSHA administrative requirements of your employer.

These requirements are aimed at protecting both you and your employer.

The more common requirements are listed in Steps 2 through 9 below. They include:

-Required Documents
-Cal/OSHA Reports and Notifications
-Monitoring for Regulated Substances
-Project or Annual Permits
-Certification Requirements
-Registration and Licensing

After each of the next 8 Steps, select the 'successful' response to indicate that you have read and understand the Step.

Select 'successful' now and proceed.

Step 2

Required Documents

Documents required at the job site include the following:

-Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIP): Program document may be kept in the office

-Code of Safe Practices

-All Cal/OSHA-required permits

-All Cal/OSHA-required certifications

-Respiratory Protection Program for all work sites where respirators are mandatory

-Heat Illness Prevention

-Fall protection plan, if required

Step 3


Postings required at the job site include the following:

-Cal/OSHA poster “Safety and Health Protection on the Job”

-Code of Safe Practices

-Emergency phone numbers

-Employee access to records notification to inform employees that they have the right to gain access to medical and exposure records

-Operating permit for air tanks

-Operating rules for industrial trucks and tow tractors (if used), where employees operate forklifts

-Authorized access at Controlled Access Zones (CAZs)

-Variance process

-Cal/OSHA registration


-Hazard warning signs at the following jobsites:
a. Where asbestos work is being done.
b. Where lead work is being done.
c. At confined work spaces.
d. At controlled access zones.
e. On cranes, concrete pumps, highlift trucks, etc., (high-voltage warning signs).
f. On powder-actuated tools.
g. On lasers (laser levels, etc.).
h. On air compressors with an automatic-start function.

Step 4


Recordkeeping requirements are included in T8 CCR for the purpose of establishing a historical record of compliance.

These requirements include the following:

-OSHA Log 300

-Lock-out/block-out activity records

-Operation and maintenance activity records

-Medical surveillance program and records

-Training records

-Inspection records

Step 5

Cal/OSHA Reports and Notifications

Reports and notifications to Cal/OSHA must be made of the following incidents and activities:

-Serious injury or death. A report must be made immediately by telephone (within 8 hours) to a district office. Employers are allowed 24 hours if they can show that circumstances prevented the report from being made in 8 hours

-Blasting accidents or unusual occurrences. A report must be forwarded to the district office within 24 hours

-Construction activities annual permit. Employers governed by an annual permit must notify the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) before starting the work

-Asbestos-related work. The DOSH district office must be notified 24 hours before starting work that is subject to registration

-Use of regulated carcinogens. The employer must report operations involving the use of a regulated carcinogen within 15 days

-Construction involving lead-work. Written notification must be made to the DOSH district office 24 hours before starting work

Step 6

Monitoring for Regulated Substances

Employers should promptly notify affected employees of the monitoring results of ANY required monitoring for regulated substances.

Such notifications must be made within the required time frame. Some common substances requiring notification include:

-Asbestos, methylenedianiline, cadmium, chromium (VI), and lead: Notify within 5 working days following receipt of monitoring results

-Vinyl chloride: Notify within 15 working days following receipt of monitoring results

-Formaldehyde: Notify within 15 days following receipt of monitoring results

Step 7

Project or Annual Permits

Project or Annual permits issued by Cal/OSHA are required for various construction activities.

A Project Permit is required for:

-Use of diesel engines in any mine or tunnel

-Demolition or dismantling a structure more than 36 feet high

-Erecting/raising/lowering or dismantling a fixed tower crane

In addition, an Annual Permit is needed for employers when the structure is over 36 feet high:

-Erection and placement of structural steel or structural members other than steel

-Installation of curtain walls/precast panels or fascia

-Installation of metal or other decking

-Forming or placement of concrete structures/decks on steel structures

-Installation of structural framing (including roof framing) or panelized roof systems

An Annual or Project Permit is needed for:

-Construction of trenches or excavations 5 feet or deeper into which a person is required to enter

-Erection and placement of scaffolding, vertical shoring, or falsework more than 36 feet high

Lastly, an Operating permit is required for:

-Operating specified air compressors

-Operating tower cranes if the employer is subject to certain regulations

Note: Most permits can be obtained from a DOSH district office. A safety conference and a review of the employer’s safety program will be scheduled before permit issuance.
Exception: Permit requirements do not apply to certain activities. See 341(e).

Step 8

Certification Requirements

Certification requirements are necessary in the following circumstances:

-Power operated cranes and derricks exceeding 3 tons rated capacity shall not be used in lifting service until the equipment has been certified by a Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) licensed certifier

-Operators of mobile and tower cranes must have a valid certificate

-Asbestos consultants and site surveillance technicians must be certified by DOSH

-Training certification is required for many activities and trades

Step 9

Registration and Licensing

Registration and licensing are required in the following circumstances:

-Asbestos registration. An employer must register with DOSH when engaged in asbestos-related work on 100 square feet or more of surface area

-Blaster’s License. The blaster must be a licensed blaster or directed by a licensed blaster and be at least 21 years of age

Step 10

How much did this Navitent help you to understand the CAL/OSHA Administrative Requirements for your employer, including:

-Required Documents
-Cal/OSHA Reports and Notifications
-Monitoring for Regulated Substances
-Project or Annual Permits
-Certification Requirements
-Registration and Licensing

Select your response below.

Note: while you don't need to remember all the information in this Navitent, you do need to remember that it is in your Navitent library to refer to when you need it.

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