Welcome to the new Navitent!

Fire Protection and Prevention

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:5 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the ability to apply Cal/OSHA safety standards for the construction industry and reduce 'near misses'.

Description: This Navitent will increase the successfulness of applying OSHA's safety standards. It is designed to reduce the frequency of near misses re ... Read More

Summary: Safety Made Simple

Step 1

The next Steps cover Cal/OSHA safety regulations for Fire Protection and Prevention. Where appropriate, we have referenced the code from Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.

The topics we will cover in this Navitent are:

-Fire Prevention Program
-Fire-Fighting Equipment
-Water Supply
-Fire Extinguisher

After each of the next Steps, select the 'successful' response to indicate that you have read and understand the Step.

Select 'successful' now and proceed.

Step 2

Fire Prevention Program

The employer is responsible for establishing an effective fire prevention program and ensuring that it is followed throughout all phases of the construction work.

Step 3

Fire-Fighting Equipment

Fire-fighting equipment must be:

-Freely accessible at all times. (1920(b))

-Placed in a conspicuous location. (1920(c))

-Well-maintained. (1920(d))

Step 4

Water Supply

A water supply that is adequate to operate fire-fighting equipment must be made available as soon as combustible materials accumulate. 1921(a)

Step 5

Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguisher use must comply with the following:

-Fire extinguishers must be kept fully charged, inspected monthly, and serviced annually. 1922(a)

-At least one fire extinguisher rated not less than 2A must be provided at each floor

-At least one fire extinguisher rated not less than 2A must be provided adjacent to the stairway at each floor level

-Fire extinguishers rated not less than 2A must be provided for each 3,000 feet of floor area or a fraction thereof

-Fire extinguishers must be kept within 75 feet of the protected area. 1922(a)
Exception: fire extinguishers must be kept within 50 feet of wherever more than 5 gallons of flammable or combustible liquid or 5 lbs. of flammable gas is being used. 1922(a)

-Training in the use of fire extinguishers must be provided annually. 6151(g)
Note: see specific Safety Orders (SOs) and manufacturing specifications for appropriate use of fire extinguishers.

-When sprinklers are provided, they shall be installed in an approved manner as per the California Fire Code, CCR, Title 24, Section 903.3. 1933, 6170

Step 6

How much did this Navitent help you to understand the Cal/OSHA safety regulations for Fire Protection and Prevention, including:

-Fire Prevention Program
-Fire-Fighting Equipment
-Water Supply
-Fire Extinguisher

Select your response below.

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