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Lock-out Block-out Procedures

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:5 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the ability to apply Cal/OSHA safety standards for the construction industry and reduce 'near misses'.

Description: This Navitent will increase the successfulness of applying OSHA's safety standards. It is designed to reduce the frequency of near misses re ... Read More

Summary: Safety Made Simple

Step 1

The next Steps cover Cal/OSHA safety regulations for Lock-out & Block-out Procedures. Where appropriate, we have referenced the code from Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.

The topics we will cover in this Navitent are:

-Movement of Heavy Equipment
-Authorized Person
-Website Information

After each of the next Steps, select the 'successful' response to indicate that you have read and understand the Step.

Select 'successful' now and proceed.

Step 2


Every year many employees are injured or lose their lives when the equipment they are repairing or maintaining is turned on by a coworker or when potential energy is released while the employee is in harm’s way of the equipment.

Employees shall be trained and made familiar with the safe use and maintenance of all machinery or equipment. To prevent such injuries Safety Orders (SOs) require that a lockout/ block-out procedure must be followed.

Step 3


For cleaning, repairing, servicing, setting up or adjusting operations the following applies:

-Cleaning, servicing, or adjusting operations
a. Machinery or equipment capable of movement shall be stopped, and the power source shall be de-energized or disengaged.
b. Moveable parts shall be mechanically blocked or locked out.
c. If the equipment must move during cleaning, servicing or adjusting operations, the employer shall provide and require the use of extension tools or other means to protect employees from injury due to the movement. Employees shall be trained on the safe use and maintenance of such tools or means.

-Repair works or setting up operations
a. Equipment that has lockable controls or that is readily adaptable to lockable controls shall be locked out or positively sealed in the off position.
b. For equipment not equipped with lockable controls or readily adaptable to lockable controls, positive means must be taken, such as de-energizing or disconnecting the equipment from its source of power, or other action which will effectively prevent the equipment from inadvertent movement or release of stored energy.

-Accident prevention signs or tags shall be placed on the controls of equipment, machines, and prime movers. 3314(c),(d)

-A written hazardous energy control procedure shall be developed and used by the employer. 3314(g)
a. Energy control procedure must include separate procedural steps for the safe lockout/tagout of each machine.

-When servicing and/or maintenance is performed by a crew, craft, department or other group, they shall utilize a procedure which affords the employees a level of protection equivalent to that provided by the utilization of a personal lockout or tagout device. 3314(h)

-Specific hazardous energy control procedures must be utilized during shift or personnel changes to ensure the continuity of lockout or tagout protection, including, but not necessarily limited to, provision for the orderly transfer of lockout or tagout device protection between off-going and oncoming employees, in order to minimize exposure to hazards from the unexpected energization or start-up of the machine or equipment, or the release of stored energy. 3314(i)

-The employer is required to conduct a periodic inspection of the energy control procedures(s) at least annually to evaluate their continued effectiveness and determine necessity for updating written procedures(s). 3314(j)

Step 4

Movement of Heavy Equipment

For heavy construction equipment repair, 1595(a) requires that repairs must not be made until workers are protected from movement of the equipment or its parts.

Step 5

Authorized Person

An authorized person shall be responsible for the following before working on de-energized electrical equipment or systems unless the equipment is physically removed from the wiring system:

-Notifying all involved personnel. 2320.4(a)(1)

-Locking the disconnecting means in the “open” position with the use of lockable devices, such as padlocks, combination locks or disconnecting of the conductor(s) or other positive methods or procedures which will effectively prevent unexpected or inadvertent energizing of a designated circuit, equipment or appliance. 2320.4(a)(2)
Exception: locking is not required under the following conditions:
a. Where tagging procedures are used as specified in 2320.4(a)(3), and
b. Where the disconnecting means is accessible only to personnel instructed in these tagging procedures.

-Tagging the disconnecting means with suitable accident prevention tags conforming to the provisions of 2320.6, 3314(e) and 2320.4(a)(3).

-Effectively blocking the operation or dissipating the energy of all stored energy devices which present a hazard, such as capacitors or pneumatic, spring-loaded and like mechanisms. 2320.4(a)(4)

Step 6

Website Information

For more helpful information see:

-The Lock-out/Block-out Methods and Sample Procedures booklet from Cal/OSHA at:

-In English: www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications

-In Spanish: www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications

-Cal/OSHA’s Lockout/Tagout for Employers eTool at:

Step 7

How much did this Navitent help you to understand the Cal/OSHA safety regulations for Lock-out & Block-out Procedures, including:

-Movement of Heavy Equipment
-Authorized Person
-Website Information

Select your response below.

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