Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:1 Hour

Goal: this Session will increase the ability to become one of the world's best interviewees.

Description: From the book 'Your Right Job Right Now', this Navitent directs users through the thoughts, behaviors, motives and, most importantly, the re ... Read More


Published By:

Brian Golter

Summary: World Class Interviewing

Elements (7)

Trail 1 of 7 — Get The Job Part 1: Don't Overthink it

Duration: 1 Hour(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Not Overthinking it is the first key to Getting The Job

Step 1

You are about to go through the most successful training in how to get a job offer that anyone has ever experienced.

The person who inspired this training is June Gregory, perhaps the world's greatest career counselor and authority on interviewing.

For over 20 years I worked for and was mentored by June. During that time I observed and conducted thousands of interviews. I had a front row seat in seeing who gets job offers and who doesn't and why. That said, one of the most remarkable discoveries I made is this:


My first question for you is: in all honesty, how motivated are you to join that 1 percent?

Step 2

If you answered 'A Great Deal' then this Navitentis for you. Proceed directly to Step 3 now.

If you chose one of the other answers, this Navitent is not for you at this time. To become one the World's Best Interviewees, it is absolutely essential that is means a great deal to you to become one. Unfortunately, there is simply no way to fake your way around this criteria. Trust me, without this desire, doing this Navitent will be a waste of your time. You may get the head knowledge, but you will not be able to properly apply the Steps in an interview when it counts. In other words, you will gain little to nothing.

Stop this Navitent now, but feel free to return anytime you like.

Step 3

Besides being truly motivated, you will need to answer one more question before you begin your training:

This Navitent has been designed to allow you to duplicate the exact same attitudes, motives, behaviors and, most importantly, the RESULTS of the World's Best Interviewees. Like a navigational system for interviewing, this Navitent Trail will guide you, step-by-step, so that you will not only know what this 1 percent DO, but how to DO it yourself.

When it comes to interviewing, these Steps are going to give you a competitive advantage over every other candidate competing for the job you want. That means 'Your Right Job, Right Now'.

However, to gain this advantage, you must DO each Step. If you attempt to cut corners by thinking about a Step instead of DOING it, you will fail. And, 'No', you are not the exception.

Do you agree to give each Step everything you've got and to not cut corners when you are tempted to do so?

Step 4

If you answered 'Yes' proceed directly to Step 5.

If you answered 'No', stop this Navitent now. Feel free to return whenever you are ready.

Step 5

Let's begin with a few facts about The World's Best Interviewees:

Their approach to interviewing is always alike.

Their approach runs contrary to the advice of many experts and certainly that of the other 99% of interviewees.

They get the job offers they want almost without fail.

Now, are you ready to DO your first action Step?

Step 6

Its time for you to meet the top authority on interviewing, my boss June.

From the book 'Your Right Job Right Now', click on 'Documentation' or go to the book and read the chapter titled: 'Jennifer's Prep Session: How to Interview with Confidence'.

Select 'successful' when you are finished. (Note: 'Your Right Job Right Now' is available on Amazon.)

Step 7

In the chapter, June gives us the First Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees:


Do you agree with June's simple point of logic?

Step 8

Regarding the First Rule, June goes on to explain:

"Great Interviewees understand this simple point of logic and bring their highest hopes and expectations to the interview. They bring a genuine enthusiasm--just in case the interview turns out to be the opportunity of a lifetime."

What's the connection between this First Rule and your ability bring a 'genuine enthusiasm' to your next interview?

Step 9

Why is it so important to bring genuine enthusiasm to every interview you go on?

Step 10

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your current ability to bring your 'highest hopes' to an interview?

Step 11

What can you do in your next interview to raise that number? Be specific.

Step 12

Here's your action item: sometime today contact a trusted friend and explain to them the First Rule of the World's Best Interviewees.

The key to this step is to practice bringing genuine enthusiasm to your explanation. Let your friend know how you will be applying this rule to your next interview.

Are you willing to give this step everything you've got?

Step 13

Congratulations, you have completed the first Trail. When you are ready, proceed to the next Trail: 'Get The Job Part 2: Leave Your Fears At The Door'.

Elements (1)

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 2 of 7 — Get The Job Part 2: Leave Your Fears At The Door

Duration: 2 Hour(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Leaving Your Fears At The Door is the second key to Getting The Job

Step 1

June explains that in order to bring genuine enthusiasm to the interview, you must first identify your fears.

Jennifer identifies her fear as "the fear of failing".

What are your fears and insecurities? Or, to put it another way, what reason(s) do you think a company would give for NOT hiring you?

Step 2

The Second Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


Are you ready to learn how to apply this rule?

Step 3

June explains:

"...if I was interviewing for a job, I would make a deal with myself that I would not allow myself to feel insecure about my weight problem. I would keep that up for the entire interview. As soon as the interview was over I could go back to my insecurities but, during the interview, I would not give anyone the pleasure of seeing my fears.”

Are you prepared to make a similar deal with yourself?

Step 4

June leaves her fears at the door by asking herself a simple question:

"Would I want to work for a company who wouldn't hire me just because I'm __________?

In the space provided, fill in the blank by writing down your fears and/or insecurities from Step 1.

Step 5

Having filled in the blank, ask yourself the question in Step 4.

How would you answer that, 'Yes' or 'No'?

Step 6

If you answered 'No', you now see how you can be completely free from worrying about what companies, who you wouldn't want to work for in the first place, think about your weaknesses or insecurities.

If you answered 'Yes', continue to ask yourself why you would want to work for a company that would treat people in such a negative manner!

Step 7

In all honesty, write down what you would like to hear most from a potential employer. Here are some examples:

A) "You will make a lot of money..."
B) "You will grow quickly..."
C) "Your hours will be flexible..."
D) "You will have job security..."
E) "You can have your own company some day..."
F) "You can work from home..."
G) "You can expect to be treated with respect...."

Step 8

Currently, how aware are you of the power certain words and promises can have over you?

Step 9

Do you agree with June that in an interview "words don't mean a thing"?

Step 10

June tells Jennifer:

"When you live in fear you attract exactly what you are afraid of."

Write down why, if you don't do the difficult day-by-day work of overcoming your fears, you will attract what you are most afraid of.

Step 11

Do you agree 'learning to leave your fears at the door' is a good way to overcome the power your fears have over you?

Step 12

Here is your action item: sometime today, post in a community, share responses with selected friends, call, email or Facebook a friend and explain to them the importance of 'leaving your fears and concerns at the door'.

Step 13

When you are ready, proceed to the next Trail: 'Get The Job Part 3: Get Focused'.

Elements (1)

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 3 of 7 — Get The Job Part 3: Get Focused

Duration: 1 Hour(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Focus is the third key to Getting The Job

Step 1

Jennifer confesses to June:

"I think I was so caught up in my own worries, to be honest the only thing I was thinking about was what they could do for me. I didn't even stop to think what I could do for them..."

In your past interviews, how often was your focus more on what the company could do for you, than what you could do for the company?

Step 2

The Third Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


Based on your past interviews, how would you rate your ability to focus more on what the company was looking for than your own needs and desires?

Step 3

In the chapter, June uses the metaphor of the waiter to teach Jennifer the power of being 'focused' in her interview.

Have you experienced a waiter going on and on over menu options that you were completely uninterested in?

Step 4

Conversely, have you ever had a waiter that seems to know exactly what you wanted?

Step 5

How did your impressions and opinions of the two waiters differ?

Step 6

What did you learn from this metaphor and why is it so important to becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees?

Step 7

Do you realize that by just doing a little research, you can usually find out exactly what the company is looking for before the interview?

Step 8

What actions can you take before your next interview to get focused (to be a good waiter)? Be specific.

Step 9

How will those actions demonstrate to the company that you are more focused on what you can do for them than what they can do for you?

Step 10

Here is your action item: sometime today, post in community, share responses with selected friends, call, email or Facebook someone you know and 'teach' them what you just learned about the Third Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees.

Step 11

When you are ready, proceed to the next Trail: 'Get The Job Part 4: Bring Your Best Self'.

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 4 of 7 — Get The Job Part 4: Bring Your Best Self

Duration: 1 Hour(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Bringing Your Best Self is the fourth key to Getting The Job.

Step 1

In all honesty, how confident are you that you will be the best interviewee for the next job you apply for?

Step 2

From the book 'Your Right Job Right Now', click on 'documentation' or go to the book and read the chapter titled: 'Carolyn's Big Chance: Be Where You Are Going'.

Select 'successful' when you are finished. (Note: 'Your Right Job Right Now' is available on Amazon.)

Step 3

The Fourth Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


In the space provided, write down what it means to bring your 'best self' to an interview.

Step 4

In the chapter, June tells Carolyn:

"Bringing your best self to an interview is a similar experience to trying on an evening gown for the first time. At first, it feels unnatural. That sense of 'this is not the real me'. But wait 10 to 15 minutes and...it begins to fell comfortable."

If you are at home, go to your closet right now and put on your very best interviewing outfit. Dress and get ready as though you were going to interview for your ideal job! Take as much time as you need.

Select 'successful' when you have returned fully dressed and prepared.

Step 5

If you completed Step 4, proceed directly to Step 6 now.

If you are at home and decided to skip Step 4 or to do it later, you just missed an opportunity to act like one of The World's Best Interviewees.

Expert interviewees have genuine inner confidence, not head knowledge. They gain this inner confidence by being willing to take risks where others won't. Take a risk. Don't let your lack of belief and motivation get the best of you. Don't tell yourself that you will 'do it later'. The time for your right job is now, today. Go do it.

Step 6

June tells Carolyn that when it comes to being a great interviewer, you have to "be where you are going".

What does "be where you are going" mean?

Step 7

Write down your vision of, ideally, who you see yourself becoming.

Note: in capturing this vision, try to see yourself separate from the specific job you are doing, money you are making or what other people think of you.

Step 8

According to June, in order to make the right career decisions, how important is it to "bring your best self to the interview"?

Step 9

Do you agree?

Step 10

At least once a day, are you willing to choose a time and place to practice bringing your 'best self' to a situation (conversation, meeting, coffee shop, etc)?

Step 11

If you completed Step 4, a short period of time has passed since you put on your best outfit. Describe any effect wearing this outfit has had on you.

For example, how did you feel when you first put it on? How do you feel now?

Step 12

Again, rate your current level of confidence that you will be the best interviewee for the next job you apply for

Step 13

When you are ready, proceed to the next Trail: 'Get The Job Part 5: Great Leadership Is The Top Priority'.

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 5 of 7 — Get The Job Part 5: Great Leadership Is The Top Priority

Duration: 15 Minute(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Seeking Great Leadership as your top priority is the fifth key to Getting The Job

Step 1

Describe your ideal job. Be specific.

Step 2

On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the level of passion, excitement and fulfillment you would have if you were to get that exact job today.

Step 3

Now take your ideal job, but imagine that the leadership you are working for is dishonest, self centered, greedy and lacks integrity. Take time to really see yourself working in that kind of environment. How would you feel working under that leadership for the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years of your life?

Base on the same criteria in Step 2, how would you rate that job now?

Step 4

What does this tell you about the importance the quality of leadership plays in the passion, fulfillment and success of your next job?

Step 5

The Fifth Rule of becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


Do you agree?

Step 6

If you chose 'strongly agree' and you sincerely meant it, proceed to Step 7.

If you chose another answer, describe a circumstance where you are working for leadership that lies to you (or doesn't always tell you the truth), betrays you and treats you unfairly AND you still feel passionate, excited and fulfilled in your job.

Step 7

Now imagine that you are working in a job where the leadership is honest, generous, wise and possess a high level of integrity. Take time to really see yourself working in that kind of environment. How would you feel working under that leadership for the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years of your life?

On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your level passion, excitement and fulfillment you believe you would have if you were to get that exact job today.

Step 8

Given what you just learned, describe your ideal job again.

Step 9

If you had an opportunity to work for a company whose leadership was honest, fair and had a high level of integrity, how much more flexible would you be on issues of salary, type of position, commute, etc.?

Step 10


Step 11

How are you going you apply your answer in Step 10 to your current job search?

Step 12

When you are ready, proceed to the next Trail: Get The Job Part 6: Believe In Your Right Job Right Now'.

Elements (1)

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 6 of 7 — Get The Job Part 6: Believe In Your Right Job Right Now

Duration: 1 Hour(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Believing in your right job is the sixth key to Getting The job

Step 1

In the chapter, June tells Carolyn:

"You can't possibly get focused on something you're afraid doesn't exist."

In all honesty, how confident are you that the position you want exists and that you are going to get it?

Step 2

The Sixth Rule to becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


Take a moment to visualize yourself working for leadership that truly inspires you.

Select 'successful' when you are finished.

Step 3

Carolyn has trouble believing that she can find a company with "backbone". Brian has difficulty believing he can find leadership he can trust.

When it comes to finding your IDEAL job, what do you have difficulty believing?

Step 4

How much has your lack of belief in this area led you to make bad decisions?

Step 5

How much has your lack of belief led you to put up with compromised situations?

Step 6

How much has your lack of belief led you to blame others for your negative circumstances?

Step 7

Write down a situation where you have been very angry with someone, when, upon refection, you were actually angry or disappointed in yourself.

Step 8

Carolyn realizes that her negative beliefs lead her to think that she couldn't, or wouldn't, find a better job. This negative belief resulted in her "giving up her power".

Describe a time in your career or life when you gave up your power. Be specific.

Step 9

Have you spent time directing your anger at the person who was responsible for your lack of power? Unfortunately, that's you...

Write a letter to yourself expressing your disappointment and anger for acting on your negative beliefs and fears.

Step 10

Beneath the lousy feeling of coming face to face with your own mistakes and vulnerability, that weird sensation you are experiencing is your power beginning to restart its engines.

Post in community, share track, call, email or Facebook someone and tell them about your letter. They may think you've gone off the deep end, but, trust me, you'll get a kick out of this Step!

Select 'successful' when you are finished.

Step 11

The good news is if you can be angry with yourself for acting on your negative beliefs and fears, you now have the power to act on your positive beliefs and dreams.

Are you ready to bring that power to your next interview?

Step 12

When you are ready, proceed to the last Trail: 'Get The Job: The Seven Rules Of Becoming A World Class Interviewee'.

Elements (1)

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Your Right Job Right Now


Trail 7 of 7 — Get The Job Part 7: Seven Rules To Becoming a World Class Interviewee

Duration: 1 Second(s) | Zone: Open | Kind: Cognitive Trail

Summary: Knowing the 7 rules of great interviewing is the seventh key to Getting The Job

Step 1

The Seventh and last Rule to become one of the World's Best Interviewees is:


Are you ready to practice your interviewing skills right now?

Step 2

If 'Yes', then follow Steps 3-8.

If 'No', then proceed to Step 9 below.

Step 3

First, select a person whose professional opinion you value. Arrange a time for them to give you a mock interview. If possible, do the mock interview in person.

Stop and contact them now. If you were able to reach them, write their name and the time and place of the mock interview in the space provided.

Step 4

Your job in the mock interview is to practice what have learned about becoming one of The World's Best Interviewees.

The Six Rules of Interviewing you are going to practice are:

1) Don't overthink it. In an interview, there isn’t anything to think or worry about unless you receive an offer. This means you can be genuinely enthusiastic. Approach every interview as though it was going to be the opportunity of a lifetime.

2) Leave your fears at the door. Don’t try to be something or someone you’re not. Identify your fears, doubts and insecurities. Then work to let them go.

3) Get focused. Think about or, better yet, find out what the company is really looking for in a candidate. Think about the company’s needs more than your own.

4) Bring your best self. Have a vision of the person who you want to become and bring that person to the interview.

5) Great leadership is the top priority of your job search. No matter how much money, growth, title, etc., a job has to offer you, it will only be as good as the quality of the leadership.

6) Believe in your right job, right now. Battle those negative thoughts that are trying to get you to believe that what you want isn't out there.

Now, go to the 'documentation' (in light blue above) to download a list of The Six Rules of Interviewing. Review this list before each interview.

Select 'successful' when you have the list.

Step 5

Before your mock interview takes place, go to 'Related' for this Trail and add the Navitent titled 'Mock Interview Questions' to your library and then 'Share' this Navitent with the person who will be conducting your mock interview.

Are you willing to use these questions for your mock interviews?

Step 6

After your mock interview is completed, take into account the feedback you received (and your own evaluation) and identify the Rule(s) you need to work on to improve your interviewing skills.

Step 7

Consider returning to the Trails you need the most help with and redoing the Steps.

Step 8

Remember to always DO a mock interview before each actual interview.

Do you agree to do so?

Step 9

Now that you are well on your way to becoming one of the World's Best Interviewees, would you like to know what the World's Best Job Seekers DO that the rest of the job seeking world doesn't?

Step 10

If 'Yes', go to the Marketplace and schedule the 'Your Right Job Right Now' course that matches your needs and goals.

Now, go get Your Right Job Right Now!

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Your Right Job Right Now