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Public Speaking Will Kill You

Start:Mar 12, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will decelerate the chances of dying from public speaking.

Description: This Navitent is a step-by-step guide how to prevent death or serious injury from public speaking.


Published By:

Brian Golter

Summary: Learn how to laugh at your fears.

Step 1

So you have been asked to speak in front of audience and, like most normal human beings, you are experiencing more fear than you thought possible.

This Navitent has been designed to help you deal with and, yes, even overcome your fear.

Are you ready to begin?

Step 2

First, let's start with an important statistic:

Each year exactly zero people actually die from public speaking.

While most individuals report a strong desire for death, especially right before the event, that desire, statistically, is never met.

How disappointed are you that your desire to die rather than speak publicly, will not be met?

Step 3

Another important statistic is that exactly zero percent of all pubic speakers have been eternally mocked, permanently rejected or endlessly ridiculed.

What are the chances that your worst fears about public speaking will not actually take place?

Step 4

Ok, we have established what will not happen, let's cover some of the possibilities of what could take place when you stand in front of your audience.

Are you ready to explore those possibilities?

Step 5

For Steps 5-10, first read the question and, to the best of your ability, answer it In your mind. Once you have your answer, scroll down the Step and compare it with the answer of our Public Speaking Experts.

Let's begin with the following question:

Q: 'What if I actually barf when I get up in front of the audience?'

A: Experts agree that after barfing in front of a live audience the best approach is to inform them that you are recovering from a very serious illness, but didn't want anything to get in the way of the opportunity to speak with them today.

Benefits: Answer instills sympathy and compassion from your audience. Audience perceives you as strong, possessing a high degree of fortitude.

Rating: Very effective.

How likely are you to use this approach if you barf in front of your audience?

Step 6

Q: What if I faint while I speaking?

A: Again our experts agree, the best response to fainting is to STAY DOWN after you come to. Remember, STAY DOWN. Statistics show that after 20 minutes over 99% of all audiences do not remember a single idea of what any speaker has said. However, over 78% of all audiences will remember a public speaker who has fainted.

Benefits: 'Staying down' is one of the surest ways to leave an indelible impression on your audience. Unless you're giving the equivalent of the Gettysburg Address, this may be your best shot at making a lasting impact on your audience.

Rating: Highly effective.

Do you agree that 'staying down' after fainting is critical to the success of your presentation?

Step 7

Q: 'What if I get in front of the audience and forget everything I was supposed to say?

A: Our experts suggests the following: if you forget your entire presentation, immediately shift gears and launch into a game of charades.

Benefits: While statistics show most audiences are initially annoyed by this approach, they very quickly begin to show a very high approval rate. In fact, audience approval rates for 'spontaneous charades' are second only to fainting.

Rating: Highly effective.

How frequently would you have preferred that a game of charades broke out over continuing to listen to a public speaker?

Step 8

Q: 'Will it help me to relax if I picture my audience naked?'

A: Our experts were unanimous: 'No, it will not help you to relax. However, studies have shown that it may help your audience. Audiences have shown slightly higher approval rates when speakers are picturing them naked. While the evidence is still out, it does appear that audiences appreciate being mentally undressed by the speaker.

Benefits: Making your audience feel comfortable is an important part of your success as a public speaker. Comfortable chairs, the right room temperature and picturing your audience naked are a few keys to their comfort.

Rating: Moderately effective*

How important is it to make your audience comfortable?

*Reults may vary depending the overall physical fitness of the audience.

Step 9

Q: 'What if only a few people show up?'

A: Our experts were split on this answer: some suggested that you continue to wait for others to arrive until the few people who did attend eventually leave. Other experts suggested taking a seat in the audience and pretending that you're waiting for the speaker to arrive.

Benefits: Both approaches achieve the desired result of not having to speak in public. By waiting endlessly, the first approach shows appreciation and respect for the high percent of your audience that chose not to attend. The second approach, while a bit cowardly, adds to the overall number of people who attended your talk.

Rating: Very effective.

If only a few people show up to your presentation, which approach are you more likely to take?

Step 10

Q: 'Are there any myths about how to successfully prepare for public speaking that I should avoid?'

A: Yes! All our experts agree that there are terrible untruths going around the Internet about how to successfully prepare for a public speaking event. Those myths include:

Know your topic
Get organized
Practice, and then practice some more
Challenge specific worries
Visualize your success
Do some deep breathing
Focus on your material, not on your audience
Don't fear a moment of silence
Recognize your success
Get support

Experts point out that most individuals who are new to public speaking already know that they are not very good at it. Giving them another long list of things to do is not going to help.

Benefits: Removes the need to do more things you are not very good at.

Rating: Highly effective.

How much better do you feel knowing you don't have to add another list of things to do to prepare for your upcoming talk?

Step 11

Lastly, we wish you the very best on your upcoming public speaking event.

We trust that you already know that you need to put in the time to know what you want to talk about. Make sure to practice your talk in front of a trusted friend(s). Keep at it until you have it where you want it...

Above all else, know that your current level of fear and anxiety is the most normal thing in the world (nope, sorry, your anxiety level is not higher than most other people). While you don't have to 'try and relax' or convince yourself of 'how great it's going to go', our experts do have their own list of things you might consider doing:

a) Close the windows in your car and scream
b) Punch the hell out of a pillow
c) Work out
d) Turn up the sound on your favorite music
e) Laugh
f) Go to Video button above and watch the 2 1/2 minute clip of Charlie Brown overthinking his fear of public speaking

In other words, suffer well!

How much has this Navitent helped to reduce your fear of public speaking?

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