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Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to outsmart emotions that result in painful outcomes (Blind Spots).

Description: 'Blind Spots' takes trekkers through specific steps to help outsmart tendencies toward friends and loved ones that are hurtful.


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hey, glad you're back!

We're talking literature today. Kinda.

You see, Victor Hugo wrote a famous book called, 'Les Miserables'. It's a story that was made into a Broadway musical and at least two movies.

What's so great about it? It shows the power of redemption.

What's that? Redemption is believing in a fresh start. It means letting go of the past and focusing on present and future opportunities that bring out the best you.

Go to the video icon for a glimpse of redemption. Let us know what you thought about it when you've finished.

Step 2

How do you make such profound changes in your life when, like Jean Valjean, all you've known is disappointment, injustice and a sense of desperation?

Hugo said, “Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”

That means hanging in there until you experience a breakthrough. And there will be a breakthrough if you want it badly enough.

Where do you need perseverance at this time?

Step 3

Jean Valjean made his turnaround when he realized the second chance he'd been given.

His do over made him think about what was good in him and the good he wanted to do for others. He clung to redemption - a new start - as a lifeline. It gave him the breakthrough he needed, and it made him a man to be much admired.

Reconnect to what's best about you. List every quality you can name about yourself that you like.

Step 4

Describe positive activities that make you feel confident.

Step 5

Will you bring that part of yourself into interactions today, especially the ones where you need perseverance, you know, to go the distance?

Step 6

When confronted by the issue you feel shaky about - or angered by - silently recount your best qualities and the activities that make you feel confident.

Take a deep breath until you feel like you can think clearly. Bring to mind the best part of you. Address the situation as that person.

How likely are you to do this?

Step 7

Rent or stream the movie 'Les Miserables' for the full effect about dealing with the stuff that can blind you to what's really best about you. Jean Valjean wasn't the only one who needed redeeming in that story.

The film we prefer is the 1998 version with Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurmond and Claire Danes.

Willing to watch it?

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