Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to make friends who bring out the best in you (Your Peeps).

Description: 'Your Peeps' is the 3rd in the Next Step series that give specific, daily guidance that leads toward friends and confidantes who help trekke ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hi again!

Hey, did you watch a movie or show yesterday that gave you some ideas about how to overcome difficulty or the need to get out of a potential heart wreck?

If so, which one?

If not, skip to Step 3.

Step 2

How did the show end, and what jumped out at you about it?

Step 3

Yesterday did you contact or visit the person you're dating who hasn't treated you with basic human decency, much less respect?

If this doesn't apply to you, then have you contacted the friend or relative who makes you feel bad about yourself?

Step 4

It may take time to understand why you're still with people who make you feel bad about yourself.

It takes time to get the strength to follow through and end those relationships, or at the very least, to limit the time spent with them and with those showing you borderline respect.

How are you doing with this?

Step 5

If you're holding back, then describe what's preventing you from moving forward.

Step 6

Is being alone is a problem for you? It is for most of us.

However, there's another way of looking at it. Yes, you may be alone for a while until people show up who have your best interests at heart. That's normal.

Again it's about time.

* It takes some time to move from one way of thinking to another.

* It takes time to to believe you're worth more than the way you may have been treating yourself.

* It takes time to let go of someone who's hurting you or your chances for something better.

* It takes time to believe in yourself and to trust others to the extent that they can be part of your inner circle.

* It's that time that's part of the journey that makes you stronger, more confident and smarter.

You're becoming more and more the kind of friend to yourself that you're looking for in others. In fact, the first friend you must make is with you. That takes time, too.

Respect time. It's a good friend.

Will you agree to give yourself all the time you need to go through this process of letting go, maybe even being alone for a while, trusting that you'll come out the better for it?

Step 7

Take a deep breath.

Blow it out.

It's going to be okay.

It's all going to work out. Just stick to the steps every day in Peeps until you feel strong. When you feel confident and really happy about it, you'll know you're there.

How confident are you now in this journey about friendship and dating?

Step 8

If you need support, post to your Camps or to Publisher (us) or both.

See you tomorrow!

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