Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Oct 17, 2024

Duration:15 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to make friends who bring out the best in you (Your Peeps).

Description: 'Your Peeps' is the 3rd in the Next Step series that give specific, daily guidance that leads toward friends and confidantes who help trekke ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello there. Today's about being open to new people.

Have you talked to any of the kinds of people we've been guiding you toward?

Step 2

If you said, no, then is it because you're not sure what we mean? Even if you said yes to the question above, hang with us. There's more to get out of this.

There are people out there with a lot of discernment, wisdom and even a good sense of humor, and they're just waiting to share what they know.

These people come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and ages who have the ability to give you the testudo-shield support we've been talking about.

Have you run across them yet?

This is how you'll recognize them:

* They may be older, wiser people who would be delighted to help you figure out the best solutions to outsmart what's getting the best of you.
* There are people who are able to inspire you to dream bigger or help you learn things that you didn’t know before - good things, empowering things, motivating things.
* There are those who can say the hard thing. They challenge you to improve what's holding you back.
* There are people who listen to all the turmoil and triumphs in your life, and you listen to theirs.
* There are people who just seem to be there when you need help with the little things and with the big things, whether it's moving to your new apartment or giving you a ride when the bus is late.
* There are people who make you laugh or just make your day by being around them.
* There are romantic relationships that are based on mutual love and respect, although those usually take time to find since we need to develop more fully to be able to appreciate them when we meet them.

List the people you know who have become important in your life and note what types of friendship they represent based upon what you read above.

Step 3

Who's missing from that list that you'd like to add?

Step 4

Imagine how your life would be different if they were a part of it.

Step 5

In the movie, 'The Bucket List', two men played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson developed a close friendship at the end of their lives.

They learned to trust each other at a time when they felt most vulnerable. They were real and sometimes raw with their emotions and struggles. They developed a friendship we could all learn from.

Jump up to the video icon and watch two scenes from the film. Let us know how they landed with you when you've finished. Oh...spoiler alert...Morgan Freeman's character did NOT die from the parachute jump.

Step 6

The main characters from 'The Bucket List' became the most unlikely of friends.

Each had something important and specific to offer the other that no one else in their inner circles could fulfill. They needed each other during the most challenging part of their lives.

We sometimes forget that we have a part to play in others’ lives, too. Given your understanding of 'real you', what quality would you offer someone who needed your support?

Step 7

If you can't think of anything, then recall your five senses:

* touch - a hug or pat on the back
* taste - an ice cream or coffee
* sight - see them for who they are
* smell - a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day or a warm cookie when they need a treat
* hearing - listen to them when they need advice or simply need to be heard

Let's add a sixth:

* your voice - speak honestly and openly to encourage, motivate, challenge or problem solve

Which of these can you offer easily and naturally?

Step 8

How willing are you to offer up something that will support and encourage a friend, no matter how old they are or what role they play in your life?

Step 9

Do that and the walls of protection will start to crumble naturally.

Trust will follow.

Did you know that?

Step 10

If you get a chance, watch the movie 'The Bucket List'. You may be able to stream it or check it out at your local library.

Maybe the two main characters will have something to add to your life, too. Something to think about.

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