Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to make friends who bring out the best in you (Your Peeps).

Description: 'Your Peeps' is the 3rd in the Next Step series that give specific, daily guidance that leads toward friends and confidantes who help trekke ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Think about the people who are supposed to have your six - your back. These are the peeps you roll with and whose advice you follow without question.

These are the people who influence your opinions and actions for good or bad.

How well is your six really covered?

Step 2

If things aren't going in the direction you want, then maybe it's time to find people who will bring out the best in you and challenge you in ways that will inspire you to do more and become more.

You have the power to choose these people. Before you can begin, though, you have to know who you want to be.

Pick a few one-word adjectives that best describe you.

For example, it could be:
*Just (as in "justice", meaning fair and equal)
*Noble (meaning admirable)

The list goes on, but you get the idea.

Step 3

Let's get a visual of this concept.

In the 2000 movie, 'Finding Forrester', a teen from the Bronx befriended a famous, reclusive author.

Their friendship brought more to each of them than either could have imagined. Jamal, the teen, helped the author overcome some pretty heavy stuff.

While it wasn't the typical friendship, each had something the other needed. Each pushed the other to achieve more. Each brought out the best in the other. Each had the other's back. This is the kind of friendship we're talking about.

Go to the video icon to see a clip from 'Finding Forrester' to catch a glimpse about what we mean.

Let us know what you thought when you've finished.

Step 4

Think about people you know.

Think very hard about the people you've known or lived close to or even lived with. You could even have had a situation like Jamal's who happened to live in the same neighborhood as the author, William Forrester.

List the ones you remember who could be a real friend to you and help bring out the qualities you described in Step 2. They should have similar qualities as those you want to be known for.

For now simply list the people. We'll deal with how to connect or reconnect with them later.

Step 5

We're going to walk you through the steps in 'Your Peeps' to reconnect with those people you listed - if it's possible to do so - or to find others with similar qualities who might have been right there under your nose all along.

Are you ready to begin?

Step 6

'Your Peeps' runs for 21 days without breaks for weekends or holidays.

If you post to Publisher in the very last open box on each page, check your Day Plan for responses.

You can do these steps solo. However, if you'd like to interact with others on this journey, feel welcome to join one or all of JP's Next Step communities.

They're called 'Camps': Campfire (local teens/young adults like you), Campsite (JP nationwide) and Campground (JP international group of teens whose backgrounds you can relate to).

If interested, post your email address to us in the last open space on any page. Let us know what city you live in and if you want to be placed in the same group as someone you know.

You'll receive an invite from navitent.com. Click on the link. You're in. You have to do the steps each day, though, to post. Keeps us all heading in the same direction.

If you're reading this page from another site, then you'll have to sign in and create an account to be able to post comments and save your responses.


Step 7

Will you commit to show up each day, do your steps, and be honest with your answers?

If you said, yes, then welcome aboard!

We'll see you tomorrow.

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