Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to make friends who bring out the best in you (Your Peeps).

Description: 'Your Peeps' is the 3rd in the Next Step series that give specific, daily guidance that leads toward friends and confidantes who help trekke ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hi! This is the last day of 'Peeps'. Let's end it on a good note.

Jump up to the video icon and watch the final scene of the movie, 'Antwone Fisher'.

Let us know whether you felt it or how much you felt it when you've finished.

Step 2

As you conclude the navigational steps in 'Your Peeps,' there are a few tips to keep in mind.

These are the same things that Antwone learned during his journey. It wasn't easy, and trust was a huge barrier for him, but he hung in there. He won. It was a real-life story. So can you.

First know who you are at the core. Understand what's most important to you; the values you won't compromise for anything.

Will you give it everything you've go to stick to your core values?

Step 3

The second tip is to seek people to befriend who have the same or similar values as you do and are willing to work with you toward a common purpose.

Seek a variety of people with the understanding that it's their core values and the skills they bring to the friendship that will form a Testudo-style support and protection, like the Roman soldiers and their overlapping shields.

These skills we mentioned will be those that nurture, challenge, teach new concepts, lead you in the right direction and support you as you head that way. (Encourage, Challenge, Strengthen and Lead)

How much do you honestly think you will you adhere to this standard?

Step 4

Third is to spend an hour a day alone in order to get to know 'real you'.

Practice being the real you without regard to past experience, what others have said or what you think others have said about you.

Don't corrupt who you are or allow others to tell you to hide the best thing about you.

Will you remember that you are a treasure just as you are?

Step 5

Fourth, if friends don't bring you joy, but make you work too hard for their friendship or do things to belittle you, then they have to go.

Remember the song that sends you.

If a relationship fails to leave you with that same feeling of being alive and carefree as your favorite tune does, then realize it may be time to move on or face a gap in your overlapping shields.

Where there's a gap, there's a vulnerability, a lack of support and protection. Do you agree?

Step 6

Finally, keep in mind that being yourself and being honest with where you are in life is a gift to other people.

Bring your real self to any friendship and be prepared to offer them the same support and encouragement that you want them to offer you.


Step 7

How much did the 'Your Peeps' increase your confidence about forming reliable friendships that can bring out the best in you?

Choose from 1 to 10 with (1) being 'Not feeling it' to (10) ' Roman testudo!'

Step 8

To keep these concepts alive, we've put together a 'Peeps' Checklist for you.

It's in the 'related' tab above.

Click on it now and schedule the checklist as often as you like. We recommend once a week. It only takes about 5 minutes to review.

When you're ready, advance to the next stage of your journey by going to the 'related' field and selecting 'Blind Spots & Baggage.'

Select 'Do', or schedule the day you'd like to begin the 'Blind Spots' guide. It's 21 days long with no breaks for weekends or holidays.

Are you in?

Step 9

Do you think someone else could benefit from 'Your Peeps'?

If so, feel welcome to share with them using the share icon on the left sidebar.

We wish all the best for you as you continue your journey!

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