Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to understand your value and learn how to command the respect you deserve (Respect).

Description: This Next Step trail guides teens and young adults step-by-step each day until they discover their value and become confident in respecting ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello there! We're so glad you made it back!

Let's start today off by jumping up to the video icon to watch Bruce Willis in 'The Kid'. His younger self has shown up to teach him an invaluable lesson to help him move on from the painful messages he's carried with him since childhood.

Tell us what you thought about the clip when you've finished watching it.

Step 2

Let's talk a little more about those messages your mind plays over and over that hold you back.

Those thoughts can go a long way in defining how we think about ourselves. They influence how we respond to other people and what we do about pursuing our dreams.

When you can be honest about your internal dialogue and get them out in the open, the messages start to lose their power. If they remain hidden, they gain power. It helps a great deal to share those messages with others.

With that in mind, briefly describe 3 of those not-so-great phrases in the space provided. Be quick about this task. Don't dwell on it. Move to Step 2 as soon as you finish.

Step 3

Is it time to rewrite the internal dialogue that brings you down?

We repeat. You're not alone in this. We all have messages playing in our heads that try to hold us back. It's universal.

Think about the negative self talk that may have come from your past experience or current circumstances. These most likely will relate to the phrases you wrote about above.

Consider dealing with them in this way. Every author knows that the words they start out with are likely going to be changed and maybe even rewritten completely. They change the story until they have the ending that satisfies them.

Do you see how this metaphor is like the stages of life?

Step 4

It's your turn to be the author who rewrites the nagging messages in your head.

We're referring to thoughts you replay that stem from whatever happened that makes you squirm when you think about it.

Recognize the messages for what they are. Essentially they blame and shame us. They keep us down. Sometimes we have to stop blaming and shaming ourselves for the things that we've done or been accused of doing or experiences we've been through, much like the younger version of Bruce Willis' character in the clip you just saw.

How? Maybe you think your life is going to have an outcome that you're afraid might not go so well. We hear ya!

Would you consider rewriting that part of the book about your life that says that "this is all there is, and things will never get better?"

Start here: Maybe it's time to forgive yourself, so you can move on freely. Or maybe it's time to realize how much you have to offer just by being who you are. Or maybe it's time to see that the disappointments and struggles in our lives form us into heroes that give hope to others.

How much does any of this relate to your story?

Step 5

Are you ready to start changing those negative thoughts?

Doing so can rebuild your self confidence, which is fundamental in helping you understand that you are worthy of respect. Period.

So...let's begin. How do you revise the current chapter of your life story in a way that positively affects the outcome of your future?

What happened happened. What was said was said.

Whatever you're telling yourself that makes you feel unworthy has to go. Time to hit the delete button on that message in your mind. The past is past.

You're in a new chapter of life with new opportunities. That starts by understanding that the pages of your life story are not complete. There are many blank spaces inside that have yet to be filled.

Chapter 1: How would you describe the person you started out as?

Step 6

Imagine that the person you described in the above step meets the person you are today.

What would 'older you' say to 'younger' you?

Step 7

This is big stuff. Make sure you do something nice for yourself when you exit this navitent.

You could start by posting to Publisher (us!) and your Campfire and take in the encouragement that comes your way.

See you tomorrow.

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