Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Oct 17, 2024

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to activate hope with a plan (Your Triumph).

Description: The Next Step guides trekkers toward the right strategies, behaviors and attitudes to reach their dreams, outsmarting what tends to get the ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello there. Today we have a tale for you.

Have you heard the story about a baby eagle who grew up with chickens?

Go to the video icon and watch how the story unfolds. It's a little long, but the first 3 minutes should be enough to go on if you're short on time.

Take a second to tells us what you thought about the story when you've finished.

Step 2

The young eagle never realized it was one of the most majestic birds to ever take to the sky.

In fact it never flew. The bird was never given the chance. It missed its destiny.

This magnificent creature thought it was a chicken because all the other birds in the coop were chickens. So it bent its head to the ground, ate seeds and clucked like the others.

The eagle lived its life on the ground, never using its powerful voice and never reaching the graceful, soaring heights it was intended to climb.

Can you relate to any part of this tragic story?

Step 3

If that story sparked something inside of you, then you must not be a chicken.

You're an eagle.

How do you start to soar, though, if all you've known is a chicken coop?

It starts in your mind. Begin by knowing who you are and believing it so much that you start pursuing things that lift you in that direction.

Try this. Describe a dream you have that challenges you to aim high. You would have to give everything you have to achieve it.

Step 4

Take a moment to imagine yourself having already reached that goal. To accomplish this milestone would make you feel like you're soaring.

Use your imagination to visualize the 'you' who has achieved something you thought was out of your reach.

Select 'successful' when you have that image in your mind.

Step 5

When you saw this new you how did you feel about yourself, and what did it do for your confidence?

Step 6

So how do you make it real?

Try this. What specific action can you take now that will move you one step closer to that image of yourself?

You need to be realistic with this. Focus only on the first step for now.

Hint: Your first step should make you feel a little stretched but hopeful, knowing in your gut that you can do it if you work at it.

Step 7

One of the best ways to achieve the image you saw of yourself in Step 3 is to tell someone about it.

Your task today is to email, text, call or visit a key person in your life and tell them what you want to do to achieve your vision.

Even if the person already knows about it, give them an update about your current level of progress, including any challenges you're experiencing. Involving other people is one of the best steps you can take to reach your goal.

As the man says, "You can cluck with the chickens, or soar like an eagle."

You're an eagle.

It's time.


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