Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Jan 22, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to move on and gain something much better (Justice).

Description: 'Justice' is intended to help rebuild a sense of dignity and empowerment as trekkers shift their focus to the present and future, leaving th ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello! Glad you're back!

Hey, it's probably not a "gotcha" moment to hear that prejudice is another way we experience injustice.

The shocker is how it can show up in so many different ways.

How do we overcome situations where people try to make us feel inferior because of our differences?

Has this happened to you or someone close to you?

Step 2

One way to approach the problem is to maintain your composure and refuse to be baited into an argument.

This shows strength and character, not inferiority, which they may have presumed. Frankly, most people who show prejudice do so out of ignorance and/or a fear that they're the ones who are inferior.

If you allow yourself to drop to their level of behavior, it doesn't help.

There's a lot of insecurity out there. Insecurity about physical disabilities, mental challenges, age, appearance, race, gender, religion, politics, education, career, neighborhood you live in, nationality, poverty....there are so many ways to try and make one person look better or worse than someone else.

What specific issues have you felt the sting of judgement or ridicule?

Step 3

Have you dished it out?

Who to and what happened?

Step 4

To defeat prejudice in any form, you could take a stealth approach.

Get to know the person. This shakes things up, forcing them to get to know you and see that you aren't what they assumed. This way you don't fall into the trap of becoming prejudiced against the type of people or ideology they may represent.

If you did get sucked into thinking they're inferior, then that would add injustice to an already unfair situation. Lay down any preconceived notions about culture, age, race, gender, religion, intellectual ability, social status, the list goes on.

Unless they're unsafe, try to get to know the human behind the perceptions. Over time, situations and conversations may break out that begin to open both your perspectives about each other.

The aim is to come to a place where you respect each other's personhood despite whatever differences may exist between you. At that point, you have established a higher form of justice.

How willing are you to give this a try?

Step 5

If you're having trouble visualizing how the advice could go down, then go to the video icon and watch the clip from Gran Torino.

This clip comes with a warning. The main character, Walt, embodies every prejudice and foul statement one person can make about another person.
If there is such a thing, the main character exemplifies equal opportunity prejudice. Everybody gets slammed.

The point is how people from every background can insult one another without thinking they're doing anything wrong. Our past hurts and preconceived ideas can get in the way.

Select "Successful" when you've finished.

Step 6

Did you notice how Sue, the teenager in the clip, maintained her composure and calmly but firmly corrected Walt's inaccurate impressions?

If you watch the rest of the film, you'll see how successful her approach was. She's a hero! She helps make him one, too.

The story is about overcoming prejudice by taking down one preconceived notion at a time. Sue and her family refused to give in to emotions and create more of a wall between neighbors. As a result, prejudice, revenge, violence and gang infiltration were overcome in their neighborhood.

How willing are you to take a step today to get to know someone - and allow them to know you - beyond the superficial qualities?

Step 7

Before you head out, watch the movie, 'Gran Torino'. You can stream it or check it out of the library.

Will you?

Step 8

We hope something unexpectedly great happens to you before we see you back tomorrow!

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