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Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to understand your value and learn how to command the respect you deserve (Respect).

Description: This Next Step trail guides teens and young adults step-by-step each day until they discover their value and become confident in respecting ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello there!

How did you feel when you did the exercise yesterday? (The task was to find someone different from you, smile and say hello as you passed by.)

You did it, right? If so, how did it go?

If not, why not and when can you try it? If it's not possible, let us know, so we can give you an alternative challenge. Then proceed to Step 2.

Step 2

Assuming you did the task, describe the person you picked to say hello to.

What was their response as you smiled at them? In other words, what was their facial expression or body language? Did they say anything back?

If you didn't do the task yet, describe the kind of person you're most likely to approach when you do the challenge.

Step 3

Think about how that task made you feel after doing it. Did you feel awkward or encouraged?

Did the experience build your confidence enough to try it again in another situation?

We encourage you to repeat this exercise again and again until it feels natural and you could care less what anyone thinks.

If you have yet to do it, then describe how you feel about doing it.

Step 4

Here's something else to consider.

Respect begins with how you treat your body and how you deal with your personhood, which is the essence of who you are, the very best thing about you.

For encouragement, go to the 'video' icon and listen to Meghan Trainor's song 'Dear Future Husband' and think about the lyrics. Guys, we know it's not all one sided. There's plenty of nonsense going on from the ladies' side.

This song is far from perfect. We don't agree with everything she says in the song and some of it is just plain selfish and unrealistic, but...we like how she treats herself with respect.

So...go ahead. Listen.

Let us know what you thought about the video when you've finished watching it.

Step 5

a- Could you relate to the part of the song's message that respect starts with you?
b- How would you want to see common decency play out in every day words and actions by you and others?
c- What's your part in being respected?

Remember that it is imperative for you to establish your own sense of self worth before you can fully appreciate being around people who will respect you. But don't let that hold you back.

Step 6

List one change you will make starting today that will leave you feeling better about yourself.

How about it? What are you going to do?

*We figure you already know this. Just in case there's someone who doesn't....self worth and self respect can't exist where there is manipulation, coercion or violence.

Step 7

To connect to your courage, imagine yourself as your favorite, strong-minded rock star, actor or character in a film or book.

Practice how THAT person would respond in a similar situation that previously made you feel nervous, angry or frustrated.

'Wear' that image into the situation until you are comfortable being yourself.

How confident are you that you can do this?

Step 8

You got this!

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