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Pre-Diabetes - There's Always Hope

Start:Mar 13, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Productive Trail will improve the effectiveness of your ability to take care of your health and vitality.



Published By:

Behavior Rx


Step 1

Okay, so your doctor told you the big news. You are pre-diabetic.

What the heck does that mean and what do you do about it?

For starters, do you take this seriously?

** (If you've done this session before, and are doing the last few steps as a recurring discipline, then please skip to #8-14.)

Step 2

If you said that you are taking your condition seriously, then we have some information that might make you feel better.

We'll begin with the not-so-fun stuff, the risk factors.

Then we'll move quickly to a few things you can do to prevent diabetes, turning your experience into something that makes your life feel more empowered and even energized!

Here goes:

The CDC says to watch it if you are:

* Overweight
* Over 45
* Family History of Type 2 Diabetes
* Physically active less than 3 times a week (30 minutes or more each time)
* Had gestational diabetes or gave birth to a baby more than 9 lbs.

Race and ethnicity are also factors:

* African Americans
* Hispanic and Latino/Latina
* Native Americans
* Pacific Islanders
* some Asian Americans

Do you fit into any of these categories? If so, which one(s)? You may list your risk factors in the space provided.

Step 3

Here's the last step of the not-so-fun stuff.

This is why you don't want to develop diabetes:

* Heart disease
* Stroke
* Impotence
* Blindness and other eye-related conditions
* Kidney disease (that may lead to dialysis and even cardiac arrest)
* Difficulty in wound healing
* Amputated limbs

Are you willing to take your present condition seriously enough to make one or two sustainable changes in your lifestyle starting today?

Step 4

If you answered willing, then diet and exercise top the list. But if it were so easy, then why are so many people experiencing pre-diabetes?

Let's start with what's true. Food. We love it. We love to eat it and we love to celebrate with it and we love to pacify our stress with it.

But some foods are just not our friends. They sabotage us, which is why we now have this pre-diabetic condition.

So...how to make diet changes enjoyable and sustainable.

Go to the video icon to watch Coach Lana. She will explain this new diagnosis and generate some ideas that don't make you want run to the fridge in sheer panic and rebellion.

Tell us how helpful you found the video when you have finished.. Wipe that crumb off your mouth while you're at it.

Step 5

To prevent turning your kitchen or your nerves upside down, start the process by listing foods you love and WILL NOT give up in the space provided.

Step 6

If you're not already doing so, would you consider reducing your meal portions in order to give your tummy and pancreas the break they are telling you they must have?

For instance, if you can't see the bottom of your plate, you're eating way too much.

Visualize the size of a normal, adult tummy. It's about 10 inches by 4 inches when fully stretched. Get a measuring tape if you'd like to see what that looks like.

* Something to consider: talk to your doctor to see if you fall under the category of patient types who need to limit protein intake to preserve kidney function.

How confident are you that you can limit the portion and frequency of the foods you adore and can't give up entirely, including red meat?

Step 7

There are so many ways to fill those cravings we all have. Below are foods that you may genuinely enjoy as a substitute for high calorie, high fat foods that may be getting you into trouble.

They could include:
* Leafy green vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach, etc.)
* Carrots, tomatoes, peppers and an occasional avocado
* Soy burgers
* Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.
* A handful of walnuts or almonds each day
* Lean meat like turkey or chicken
* Fish such as salmon
* Beans and other legumes
* Refrigerate sliced carrots or apples in baggies for quick snacks that reduce cravings

Keep going with this. You know which food is good for you. If not, stop right now and call your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist or dietician. Return when you've finished the call.

If you decide to talk to a nutritionist or dietician, make sure you find one you really respect and get along with. This generates a "feel good" attitude that makes you want to keep going.

*List the food you chose to use - or are planning to use - as a substitute today.

Step 8

How about water? You know water is your friend, right?

So...be friends. Will you commit to drinking 64 oz. of water a day - more if the weather is hot and/or humid?

16 of those ounces should be consumed before noon.

Will you commit to the 64 oz each day with 2 glasses of H2O before noon?

Step 9

Here's a step you can do every day to increase your success:

List what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, including any snacks and beverages during the day.

Don't forget to include how much water you drank.

Step 10

Exercise. Seriously, you're going to have to move that heinie if you want to get tiny.

Do you exercise already? If so, write two or three types of strenuous, physical activities that you enjoy doing a total of four times a week for 30 minutes each time.

If you don't exercise regularly, then think about things you can do that would invigorate you. Again they need to be four times a week for at least 30 minutes each time.

You can motivate yourself by listing the exercise you did today and the length of time you did it.

Step 11

Here's a game changer that's been shown to make a difference:

Would you commit to walking for 30 minutes a day immediately after one of your meals?

OR you could ride a bike a few times a week before breakfast or lunch or dinner.

If you are unable to walk immediately following a meal, then could you walk more during the day to do errands, park farther away from your destination, climb stairs, etc.?

Do you typically walk after at least one meal or do any of the alternative tips?

If not, will you do one of these activities today?

Step 12

Will you add a new activity to your week in order to get your mind off food and onto something that inspires you and others?

Ideas include:
* Hospital, hospice or long-term care visitation
* Babysitting for a single mom or dad in your neighborhood
* Mentor a youth in your area
* Take time to talk to a young person each afternoon or evening whose parents are divorced or widowed
* Hold babies in the NICU to give a nurse a break
* Organize a bridge game for widows or the elderly
* Go to the park and chat with someone who needs a friendly conversation and a warm smile
* Help out at a small business if you have the time
* Check into local nonprofits to see if they could use your expertise

Do you do any of these already? If so, please share.

If not, did any of these resonate with you? If so, please list the ones you like in the space provided. If they didn't inspire you, then think about what you could do that would genuinely thrill you.

*Did you participate today in an activity today that inspired you? If so, describe it.

Step 13

Your best bet to sustain any change is to reschedule the Pre-Diabetic steps and do them every day.

You're welcome to join our Behavior Rx team or the smaller community of people in your area who are doing these steps together.

Simply include your email in the last open box on the page and we'll send you the link to join. Click and you're in. Make sure to let us know the email addresses of friends you'd like to do this with, so we can group you together.

Will you reschedule this session and commit to doing it every day?

Step 14

How helpful were these suggestions?

Please make sure you post to the publisher's journal at the bottom of the page with any suggestions, so we can offer something that's more targeted to your situation.

If you'd like to be part of a campfire or the nationwide campsite of people doing these steps together, then post your email address and locale in the last open box on the page. We'll send you an invite through navitent.com. Click the link and you're in!

Thanks! And all the best to you in this new adventure!

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