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Shoulder Prehab

Start:Mar 12, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Active Trail will improve the strength of Shoulder, helping the individual prepare shoulder for activity.


Summary: Full shoulder mobility comes from the Glenohumeral joint and Scapulothoracic joint. This trail includes early-phase rehab exercises for the shoulder. Great to do before an arm workout or when you are feeling pain/tightness in your shoulders.

Elements (5)

Set 1

Name/Instructions: Quadruped Shoulder Overhead Reach- On the yoga mat get in the all-fours position, find a neutral low back, push scapula away from you, activate the core, when ready lift on arm and start with the arm at 90 extend to overhead position. Do not rock and stay solid in the position. Perform on one side and the switch to the opposite side x repeat 2.

Target Repetitions: 10

Actual Repetitions

Target Amount: 2

Actual Amount

Target Intensity: Lowest

Actual Intensity


Elements (1)

Yoga Mat


Set 2

Name/Instructions: Supine 90/90 Wall slide- Lay down on the floor with back to the floor, place foam roll between the calves making sure to squeeze the foam roll to activate the core. Start with feet on the floor and lift to table position as the arms move. Place arms on sides in field goal position extend the arms up and return back to field goal position.

Target Repetitions: 10

Actual Repetitions

Target Amount:

Actual Amount

Target Intensity: Lowest

Actual Intensity


Elements (1)

Foam Roller (small)


Set 3

Name/Instructions: Thoracic Spine Activation Rotation-Use a ball or foam roller, get in a kneeling position by a wall place the foam roller/ball at the front knee making sure the ball is squeezed to the wall. With inside arm windshield wipe motion opening the shoulder girdle and chest.

Target Repetitions: 10

Actual Repetitions

Target Amount:

Actual Amount

Target Intensity: Skip

Actual Intensity


Elements (1)

Foam Roller (small)


Set 4

Name/Instructions: Thoracic Spine Foam Roller Overhead Reach- Usina large foam roller lay your lower back onto the foam roller, with feet on the ground and knees folded. When stable, activate the core and place arms field goal position/extend and back for one rep.

Target Repetitions: 10

Actual Repetitions

Target Amount:

Actual Amount

Target Intensity: Skip

Actual Intensity


Elements (2)

Foam Roller (small)


Yoga Mat