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Navitent Compass: Creating Navitent Guides & Maps

Start:Oct 07, 2024

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Instructive Trail will increase the benefit of using the Navitent platform to help Trekkers achieve all their socially beneficial goals.

Description: On Navitent, your content is part of a navigational system for life. T ... Read More

Summary: This Navitent walks through keys steps to creating Navitent Guides and Maps. Navitent Guides and Maps organize Navitents into plans and programs.

Elements (24)

Step 1

Step 1: Select Navitent Guide or Map Kind

Navitent Guides and Maps organize other Navitents. The Kind of Navitent Map or Guide you select to create determines the format of the “Do” page where your Navitent Trails, Guides and Maps will be organized and presented to Trekkers. Click on the Element and Element Attachments on the right of this page for an example of the Do page for each Navitent Guide and Map Kind.

Navitent Guides and Maps:

Session Guides - Create Session Navitents to combine multiple Trails into one activity.

Checklist Guides - Create Checklist Navitents to organize Navitents into a single or multiple day checklist.

Post Guide - Create Post Navitents to organize and rank Navitents by a topic.

Index Guides - Create Index Navitents to organize Navitents in an outline format.

Course Maps - Create Course Navitents to organize Trails and Guides by days and phases.

Tiered Course Maps - Create Tiered Course Navitents to organize Courses by phases and levels.


Elements (6)

Session Do Page


Checklist Do Page


Post Do Page


Index Do Page


Course Do Page


Tiered Course Do Page


Step 2

Step 2: Create Title and Summary

Create a title that will interest Trekkers in knowing more about your Navitent. Create a summary to describe the content of the Navitent. The title link on every Navitent will take the Trekker to the Details page to learn more about your Navitent before they add it to their library, schedule or do it.


Elements (1)

Title And Summary Create Page


Step 3

Step 3: Create Goal and Goal Description

Use the formatted Goal to explain the purpose of the Navitent and the Description to give a free form narrative that describes the goal. Goals and Descriptions may be the same for multiple Navitents. Common Goals can be quickly filled in by selecting the Fill With Saved Goal button on the page (see Element Attachment).


Elements (2)

Goal And Description Create Page


Fill With Saved Goal


Step 4

Step 4: Add Navitents
Add the Navitents you want to organize on this page.


Elements (1)

Add Navitents


Step 5

Step 5: Assemble Your Guide or Map
Based on the Navitent Kind selected to create, the Assembler page allows you to put them together in the way you want your Trekkers to make progress.


Elements (6)

Session Create Assembler


Checklist Create Assembler


Post Create Assembler


Index Create Assembler


Course Create Assembler


Tiered Course Create Assembler


Step 6

Step 6: Add Details

Improve Trekker’s ability to find your Navitent by including the Level, Type and Phase and selecting the category(ies) and subcategory(ies) that apply.

If your Navitent has a price associated with it, set it up on this page.


Elements (1)

Details Create Page


Step 7

Step 7: Customize Page

Does your Navitent have custom images, documents or videos associated with it? Add them here (remember you can add more step specific documents and videos using Elements).

Does your Navitent have Navitents that are related to it or that you reference within it? Add them using Related Navitents so your Trekkers can access them easily.

On this page you can also add Environments, Assessments and Science (Variables, Attributes and Hypotheses).

Assessments are surveys or tests to check the condition or change of the Attributes of a Navitent. Assessments can be Trails or Sessions that have been designated as Assessments in the Navitent Type.

Improve how Trekkers find your Navitents and understand what they do and how they work by including Science (Variables, Attributes and Hypotheses).

Variables are the things that your Navitent uses to change the specific Attributes.

Attributes are the things being changed by your Navitent.

Hypotheses are the specific changes that make the Navitent effective in its role in achieving the goal.

The last step is to set up your Publishing Preferences and you are done.


Elements (6)

Add Related


Add Environments


Add Assessments


Add Variables


Add Attributes


Add Hypotheses


Step 8

Step 8: Finish

Use this page to review, edit and set up a preview of your Navitent. If you want Trekkers to be able to see your Navitent before they do it, use Setup Preview on this Finish page.


Elements (1)

Finish Create Page