Welcome to the new Navitent!

Your Brief Orientation

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the success of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Description: For the first time ever, this Course provides you with an organized, persistent and systematic means to make daily investments in God's King ... Read More


Published By:

Mustard Seed

Summary: This Navitent will give you step-by-step directions in how best to navigate this Map.

Step 1

Welcome to Navigating The Way!

This tiered course will guide you, step-by-step, day-by-day on a year long odyssey into a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. There's no preaching and no sermons, just a simple virtual walk through the most fascinating, adventurous and enriching landscape you have ever imaged!

Are you ready to begin your pilgrimage?

Step 2

Before you set out, there are a few things about this unique virtual landscape that you will want to know:

-This tiered course is comprised of seven different courses. Once you travel to the end of one course, the next one will appear on your Day Plan.

-Like all great adventures, you are encouraged to travel with other like-minded trekkers. You can do this by first joining, then posting to the 'Faith Of A Mustard Seed' Community found in the elements above.

-If you miss any time on the path or wish to speed up your journey, use the calendar to go back or forward on the path. We strongly encourage you not to miss too many days in a row or get too far ahead. As any accomplished trekker knows, keeping the daily pace we have set for you is an essential discipline to making it to end of the journey.

-If you have any questions or comments for the publisher, feel free to leave them in the box located at the bottom of each Navitent.

-If you want to share a particular Navitent, use the Share feature located within each Navitent.

-Finally, if you want to invite a friend to join you in this journey, simply select the Invite A Friend option. You will be notified once your friend accepts your invitation.

Ok, that's all you need to know to successfully travel this journey.

The next Navitent in your Day Plan, 'What Is Mustard Seed?' will give a brief glimpse into the origins of this spiritual adventure you are about to embark upon. After that, you will begin your first course: 'Introduction To The Gospel'.

Select the checkbox below and let's hit the trail!

Elements (2)



Faith Of A Mustard Seed Community