Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Jul 27, 2024

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the ability to experience more achievement and fulfillment in the workplace.

Description: From the book, 'Your Right Job Right Now', this Navitent will guide you in how to set and maintain the standards of excellence and fulfillme ... Read More


Published By:

Brian Golter

Summary: Unconventional Wisdom. Unbelievable Results.

Step 1

Welcome! This course will transform the pages of the book, 'Your Right Job Right Now', into a step-by-step, daily practice of achieving the highest possible levels of achievement and fulfillment in the workplace. Yes, really.

Each step is designed to bring you closer to your ultimate career goal. By consistently taking one step after another, you will find yourself climbing higher toward a greater sense of achievement, freedom and fulfillment in your career. That is my promise to you. However, like any mountain worth conquering, you must DO, not just read, or think about each step.

That said, are you ready to begin the climb to the top?

Step 2

Before your official 'first step', there are a few important instructions about making this climb.

First, it's very important to remain on the path at all times. To assist you, you will receive email alerts whenever you have new Trails in your Day Plan.

Plan on committing two hours to complete the three new Trails you will receive each week for the next four months. Your Trails will arrive every other day, then two days off.

If you want to go at a faster pace, you can use the calendar to skip ahead. If you miss a day, you can use the calendar to return to a previous day.

Finally, if you would like to share your questions and thoughts with the Trailblazer, use the box located at the bottom of this page.

If these instructions are clear to you, select 'Successful' and let's hit the Trail.

Step 3

Webster defines 'freedom' as: "the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action"

In the space to your right, describe a time from your past when you experienced the greatest amount of freedom. You can draw from your personal or work life. Be specific.

Step 4

In your present work life, on a scale of 1 to 10, how high would you rate your current sense of 'freedom'? (Note: '10' equals total freedom)

Step 5

This course is going introduce you to an entirely new reality of how you think about achieving freedom in your career and life.

Like Thomas Anderson (played by Keanu Reeves) in the movie "The Matrix", you are about to be given a very serious choice about the way in which you view your work life.

Go to the 'Video' tab above and watch the clip. Select 'Successful' when you are finished.

Step 6

Morpheus explains that the Matrix is: "A prison for your mind. No one can tell you what it is, you have to see it for yourself".

Imagine, for a moment, that you are sitting across from Morpheus. He looks in your eyes and asks you: "Tell me, how has the 'Matrix' been influencing your career?"

Write your answer in the space provided. Remember, "be honest, he knows more than you can imagine".

Step 7

Now, it's your turn to choose:

Remember, if you decide to take the blue pill, you will be able to continue to believe whatever you want to believe...

If you take the red pill, you will see how the 'Matrix' has been influencing your career: just how real, how pervasive and how devious the lies that have been guiding your career are. You will be restored to the truth of who you are meant to be and what you are meant to accomplish.

It's your choice, what pill are you going to choose?

Step 8

If you chose the red pill, go to the book, 'Your Right Job Right Now', and over the next four days, read 'Mark: Welcome to Reality'.

You can purchase the book on Amazon by clicking on the website link in the Elements box above. Or, if you want to get started right away, you can go to the 'Documents' tab above and download the reading.

If you chose the blue pill, stop this course now. It will remain in your library, waiting for the day you wish to be delivered from the dark realities of a career based on lies, manipulation and control.

Remember, the next Trail on your journey, 'Welcome To Reality (Part 2)', will appear in your Day Plan in four days.

See you then!

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Your Right Job Right Now