Navitent Campgrounds
Campsites with a Common Cause
Combine Missions
Maximize Impact
Create a Movement
Maximize Your Competitive Advantage
A Campground brings together the missions of Campsites within a common cause. Create a greater purpose for the missions of Campsites, common goals of Campfires, and unique goals of Navitents. Maximize the impact of Campsite activity, experience and knowledge. Turn the power of Navitents into a movement with a competitive advantage.
Here's how...
Maximize Your Campsite Advantages with Navitent Campgrounds
Create Communities
1_Conceptualize your Campgrounds
Create your Campgrounds comprised of multiple Campsites.  Campfires are groups of Trekkers using Navitents to achieve a specific goal.  Campsites are a group of Campfires with a common mission. Campgrounds have common causes.
For example...
If Campfires Are
Work Groups
Life Groups...
And Campsites Are
Authors of Books
Topics of Articles
Teams of Positions
Departments of Classes
Conditions of Treatments
Divisions of Work Groups
Segments of Demographics
Geographical Area of Needs
Ministries of Life Groups
Then Campgrounds Are
Publishers of Authors
Magazines of Topics
Athletic Departments of Teams
Academic Institutions of Departments
Clinical Practices of Conditions
Business Lines of Divisions
Markets of Segments
Programs of Geographical Areas
Churches of Ministries
2_Create your Campground
Combine Campsites with specific missions into your Campground’s cause.
Appoint Campfire Ambassadors
Coming soon appoint a Campground Ambassador to create and manage Navitent libraries and Trekkers.  They can manage your Campground, fill its libraries and invite members.
Fill Your Campground
Create the details of your Campground and populate it with Campsites.
Invite Members
Invite contacts, Friends and Followers to join your Campground.
3_Track and manage your community
Each community has a history of Trekker activity that is shared as they complete Navitents.
Invite and remove Trekkers simply.  Remove abusive users.
Make communities public or private.  Use Protect Invite so only the Trekkers you invite can join.
Track Community Activity
See a history of community Navitent usage and interactions.
Manage Members
Invite, remove and message members as a group or individually.
It’s your intelligence.  
Now, what are you going to do with it?
Create Navitents
Create Communities
Start charting your Navitents.
© 2022 Navitent, Inc.